Orlando PI

Orlando PI
The Orlando Private Investigator

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Where is He/She spending the money ?

Have you noticed a difference in your finances?

Does it seem like your partner is spending more money lately, without letting you know where he or she spent it?

Well, as negative as this may sound, this could be a sign of cheating! When a partner changes a pattern in their life with unclear reasons, they are probably hiding something from you. They might be using the money to treat someone else with things such as dinners and gifts. Look for these signs to determine if your mate may be cheating:

Going out more than usual.
Gives you short answers.
Charges on credit cards that are strange to you.
Receipts of items for the opposite sex that was not given to you.
There could be more reasons to explain this however. Not good reasons though. If your mate is spending a lot of money without telling you about it, he or she, besides cheating, could be buying drugs, alcohol, or perhaps even have a gambling problem you never knew about.

It is essential that you pay attention to all behavioral changes in the way your partner acts and talks to you. Only then will you be able to maybe find out what is causing the changes. Sometimes we know much less about a person than we thought and it is important that you learn more so that you can help your relationship stay strong and to help your partner if he or she is in some sort of trouble. If they are cheating, then at least you will find out the truth and will then be able to decide what steps you will take after that.

Remember, you deserve to know what goes on in your relationship. The relationship involves the both of you, so never feel scared or unsure about questioning your lover about anything. If he or she feels offended by your questions, then most likely they really are hiding something. If you feel that your mate may be cheating or hiding something and you need help with figuring out the signs, we can and want to Help you find out what or who is grabbing all the money!

Who is telling the truth ?

Casey Anthony: Robin Lunceford sent letters to Central Florida News 13

Caylee and Casey Anthony, Central Florida News 13, Jose Baez — posted by halboedeker on July, 19 2010 3:55 PM

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Central Florida News 13 interviewed prison inmate Robin Lunceford last week before her name emerged in the Casey Anthony saga.

“She had sent letters to me. That’s how her name came to my attention,” reporter/anchor Adam Longo said.

Longo estimated that two weeks elapsed between the time he heard from Lunceford and their interview Wednesday at the Lowell Correctional Institute in Ocala. Anthony attorney Jose Baez filed a motion Thursday to seal a call he received from Lunceford.

“I knew she had reached out to him,” Longo said. “I didn’t know about the recorded phone call and Baez wanting to suppress the recorded call. The story focuses on her claims. Can she be believed? You decide.”

Longo’s interview with Lunceford airs at 6 tonight on Central Florida News 13, and the chat will be repeated through the night.

Lunceford alleges Maya Derkovic, her former cellmate at Lowell, and Robyn Adams conspired to make up stories about Anthony. Derkovic, Adams and Anthony had been pen pals at the Orange County Jail. Anthony is charged with first-degree murder in the death of her daughter, Caylee.

Lunceford’s credibility is a big part of his story, Longo said, and he talked to prison officials about her. “It’s my understanding that she’s the focus of an internal investigation that has nothing to do with Casey Anthony,” Longo said.

Lunceford, 47, is serving a life sentence for bank robbery with a deadly weapon, and she has been a frequent focus of disciplinary reports.

Lunceford and Derkovic were in the same prison for a year, and they were cellmates for several months, Longo said.

“She has lied so much since I’ve bet her,” Lunceford told Longo.

Lunceford has never met Adams or Anthony.

Longo talked to Lunceford for an hour; his report will be close to three minutes. Extended clips will be posted on the Central Florida News 13 website.

“My job is never to offer up opinions,” Longo said. “I’m just putting the facts out there and letting the viewers decide. Normally, you don’t respond to an inmate’s claims.”

But Anthony’s defense team wants to talk to Lunceford, and that makes her pertinent, Longo said.

For the report, Longo also interview prison officials and drew on Lunceford’s record and an investigative report about Derkovic.

Prison officials told Longo that Lunceford had a lengthy disciplinary history, that she is manipulative and has limited credibility. Derkovic did not reply to Central Florida News 13’s requests for comment, Longo said in the report.

“She [Derkovic] was transferred in May to Broward Correctional Institute in Fort Lauderdale,” Longo said. “It’s another part of the story. Why was she transferred? Baez believes it’s for one issue. Prison officials say it’s another.”

Prison officials told Longo that Derkovic was transferred after she had a falling-out with Lunceford and the two women threatened each other. “That is supposedly why Derkovic was transferred,” Longo said. “Prison officials say the transfer had nothing to do with the case against Casey.”

Monday, July 26, 2010

When Faceboooking takes another path

Copenhaver and his staff often rely on Facebook, MySpace and other sites when doing work for local divorce attorneys.

Ex-husband swears he's living paycheck to paycheck — not enough to shell out more money in child support.

But his Facebook page tells a different story.

After the July Fourth weekend, the Orlando man bragged online about his stay at an expensive South Florida hotel and even attached photos, Orlando private investigator James Copenhaver said.


Facebook and other social networks, such as Twitter, Flickr, Photobucket and MySpace, are becoming the latest legal tool in divorce and child-support battles.

Attorneys and private investigators collecting background on a client's ex-spouse are trolling the websites as a quick and easy way to catch someone doing something they don't want brought up in court — snapshots of snuggling with a mistress, semi-nude photos with children nearby or drunken party pictures from a bar on a weekend a child is visiting.

"It's happening a lot," said attorney Mark O'Mara. "Pictures are the worst."

Orlando lawyer Diana Tennis remembered a case in which her client was fighting for more time with his child. Tennis came across a Facebook picture of the opposing parent's new boyfriend proudly posing with a gun he just purchased.

"It can be used as leverage," she said, adding that's not the image the opposing parent wanted to portray before a judge.

Florida is considered a "no-fault" divorce state, which means couples don't have to point to a specific reason — or person — for the split. But that doesn't mean dirt isn't tossed back and forth during discussions about alimony, child support and time spent with children.

"I think those pages are being printed and thrown around a courtroom quite a bit," said Tennis. Many say so far they use it more in negotiations than in evidence submitted in court.

Orange Circuit Court Judge Lisa Munyon, who is the administrative judge for family court, said she has seen some Facebook pages presented in court, but "it's not an overwhelming number."

She mentioned one case in which an attorney submitted a father's Facebook page, showing how he bragged about how much money he made. The lawyer used this to help prove he earned more money than he admitted in court.

So far no major legal issues have come up, but Munyon said there is potential. Attorneys have to prove the information actually came from the accused parent and is accurate.

Earlier this year, the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers released a survey of divorce attorneys across the country and found 81 percent reported an increase in using social-networking evidence in the past five years.

"There isn't any good lawyer that doesn't utilize access to social media," said Terry Young, an attorney with the Central Florida-based firm Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster, Kantor & Reed, P.A.

Local attorneys say turning to Facebook, MySpace and other networks picked up pace within the past year and half.

"I think divorce attorneys are learning about it," O'Mara said. "There's still a learning curve."

About four months ago, he made checking social networks — seven different sites — as part of his staff's usual background work.

"It's just invaluable," he said. "In most cases, we find something useful on one of these networks that help our client's cause."

Sometimes, he said, an opposing spouse blocks the ex-husband or ex-wife from the Facebook account. That's when investigators look for a friend or relative who is still Facebook friends with the person to gain access. His staff also has fake Facebook accounts and requests to be a friend.

"People are smart — but not that smart," Copenhaver joked.

Sarah Lundy can be reached at slundy@orlandosentinel.com or 407-420-6218. Follow her on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/OSsarahlundy and read her blog at http://www.orlandosentinel.com/techblog